What Are the Benefits of Seeing a Foot Doctor

Educating the Public on the Benefits of Visiting a Foot Doctor

Dr. Laura Michetti is our foot doctor at First Choice Podiatry in Annapolis, MD. Our podiatry practice sees many patients covering a wide range of foot problems. Our doctor feels you must understand all the benefits of seeing a foot doctor.

What are the Benefits of Seeing a Foot Doctor

Our podiatrist at First Choice Podiatry in Annapolis, MD, explains that when you have foot problems and pain, you need to select a foot doctor trained to care for diseases and issues you have with your feet. 

There are many benefits of a foot doctor on a routine basis; we can examine your feet and help you prevent problems in the future. We keep your feet healthy and do our best to help you avoid foot pain and discomfort through preventative foot care. 

The primary benefit of seeing our foot doctor is to prevent you from future foot problems. This benefit is significantly more important if you have heart disease, kidney disease, are a diabetic, have circulation problems, or have other chronic illnesses. 

Pain is a warning signal that there is an underlying cause, that something needs attention. We can make recommendations to help eliminate the pain by removing the underlying cause. We can tell you if you have a circulation problem due to changes in color and the skin temperature on your feet. We can give you recommendations to help keep your feet healthy. 

We monitor your feet for possible fungal or bacterial infections and treat them before they worsen. Thick, discolored toenails usually signify a fungal infection needing treatment. We treat skin cracks, sores, scaling, growths, and skin peeling. If you do not treat these issues, you can develop an infection. You may have an Athlete's foot and not know it. 

We cut the nails straight across and never at the sides because you can develop ingrown toenails that make walking painful over a short time. We can give you recommendations about your footwear, such as, 

  • Shoe types
  • Tightness of socks
  • Why you shouldn't always wear the same pair of shoes every day 
  • Why you should not go barefoot
  • How sandals can cause damage to your feet if you do not adequately prepare your feet for the outside. 

Practice Foot Health Prevention

Please call Dr. Michetti at First Choice Podiatry in Annapolis, MD, today at (443) 332-2300 to schedule an appointment. Following basic foot care guidelines, our doctor ensures that patients have healthy, comfortable feet. We are devoted to the fitness of your feet. 

We work hard to remedy your foot problems and teach you how preventative care can help you avoid future problems.

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8:00 am-4:00 pm



