Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Experiencing pain and discomfort along the bottom of the heel is a sign of a foot condition known as plantar fasciitis. It is important to undergo treatment to prevent the condition from becoming worse over time and leading to other problems, such as heel spurs. Dr. Laura Michetti and Dr. Courtney Palmer, the experienced podiatrists at First Choice Podiatry in Annapolis, MD, treat plantar fasciitis. 

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis 

The primary symptom of plantar fasciitis is the development of pain along the bottom of the heel. Other common symptoms are pain and stiffness along the arch of the foot. Pain, discomfort, and stiffness are often more intense first thing in the morning right after waking up. Pain also tends to get worse after sitting or standing for extended periods without stretching the feet. Other possible symptoms include tightness in the Achilles tendon and swelling around the heel. 

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

There is a thick band of connective tissue called the plantar fascia that extends along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes. The plantar fascia tissue helps stabilize the foot, provides shock absorption, and supports the arch. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia tissue becomes damaged or torn, which causes inflammation, pain, and discomfort. Daily wear and tear, overuse, and repeated stress can also cause damage to the plantar fascia tissue. 

Some activities and factors that can lead to torn plantar fascia tissue and the development of plantar fasciitis include:

  • Long-distance running
  • Certain sports or activities that put stress on the heels
  • Walking or standing on hard surfaces for a long time
  • Overpronating or walking with an irregular gait
  • Wearing shoes without enough support
  • Being overweight or obese 
  • Ballet dancing 

Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

It is essential that you see a podiatrist for treatment of plantar fasciitis because the condition will eventually get worse if left untreated. It could also lead to the development of other foot problems, such as heel spurs and chronic pain. The skilled providers at our podiatry office in Annapolis, MD, diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis and will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Some popular options for treating plantar fasciitis include:

  • Icing the affected heel 
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Custom orthotic devices
  • Stretching exercises 
  • Removable walking cast
  • Padding and strapping
  • Physical therapy
  • Night splints

The pain and discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis can make it difficult to carry out your normal daily routine, but we can help. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Michetti or Dr. Palmer for the diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis by calling First Choice Podiatry in Annapolis, MD, at (443) 332-2300.

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