What Is Swift Laser Therapy?

Unfortunately, warts are all too common and some studies have found that more than 30 percent of kids and teens will experience them at some point. Among older individuals, warts are also common and can be difficult to treat. Fortunately, new treatment methods, like Swift laser treatment are now providing relief. If you’d like to explore Swift Laser Therapy in Annapolis, MD, get in touch with First Choice Podiatry. Dr. Laura Michetti can provide assistance.

Simply looking for some basic information on this treatment method? We’ve got you covered. Of course, if specific questions or concerns arise, please do get in touch.

The Basics of Swift Laser Therapy

Plantar warts, which are small, hard warts typically found on the feet, can be especially difficult to treat. Unfortunately, conventional methods for treating warts, such as using salicylic acid or cryotherapy, often prove ineffective at treating these warts. In time, many warts will heal on their own, but it could take months for that to occur, and often, new warts will crop up as the condition spreads.

Fortunately, advanced wart treatment methods, including Swift Laser Therapy, may prove effective at treating warts. Quick and effective treatment can stop the warts from spreading as well. Early results show that Swift laser treatment is effective in more than 80 percent of cases.

So how does Swift laser therapy work and why is it so effective? This treatment leverages microwaves that can be trained specifically onto a wart. The microwaves will penetrate beneath the skin, targeting the roots and foundation of the wart, which can lead to lasting relief. Medical professionals can precisely control how deep the microwaves penetrate. This mitigates the risk of damage to other cells and tissues.

Infected cells targeted by the microwaves will lead to the release of various proteins. These proteins will trigger an immune response, essentially making it easier for your immune system to home in on the warts. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which the body is often capable of fighting off. However, the immune system will benefit from some assistance.

Want to try Swift Laser Therapy in Annapolis, MD? Contact First Choice Podiatry. Dr. Michetti can answer any questions you might have and can also perform the procedure.

The Benefits of Swift Laser Therapy

Swift laser therapy will often work when other treatment methods fail. The treatment method is generally pretty quick to perform, and you’ll often see results after just one session. Sometimes, three or more sessions are needed to remove the warts. The treatment is non-invasive, safe, and won’t require any dressing. It’s also not painful and will cause minimum discomfort.

Want to schedule Swift Laser Therapy in Annapolis, MD? Dial (443) 332-2300 to reach First Choice Podiatry. Dr. Michetti is ready to help.

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